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发布时间:2023-12-04 07:51:39



How to say "Zootopia" in English?

The English translation for "疯狂动物城" is "Zootopia". Yes, you heard it right! The English name for this popular animated film is "Zootopia".

What is the English name for the movie "疯狂动物城"?

As mentioned earlier, the English name for the movie "疯狂动物城" is "Zootopia". This name perfectly captures the essence of the movie, as it is a combination of "zoo" (a place where animals are kept and exhibited) and "utopia" (an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect).

Learn how to pronounce "疯狂动物城" in English as "Zootopia".

If you are wondering how to pronounce "疯狂动物城" in English, you can simply say it as "Zootopia". The pronunciation is similar to "zoo-toe-pee-uh". It may take some practice to get it right, but with time, you will be able to pronounce it perfectly.

Exploring the English title of the animated film "疯狂动物城".

The English title for the animated film "疯狂动物城" is not only a direct translation but also captures the essence and theme of the movie. "Zootopia" is a place where animals from different species and backgrounds coexist in harmony. The film explores themes of inclusivity, stereotypes, and breaking barriers, making it an enjoyable and thought-provoking watch for audiences of all ages.



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