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888: The Lucky Number in Chinese Culture

發布時間:2024-03-17 18:28:28

The Symbolism of 888 in Chinese Culture

In Chinese culture, numbers play a significant role and are believed to carry both positive and negative connotations. One number that holds great importance is 888. In this article, we will delve into the symbolism of 888 and explore its significance in various aspects of Chinese life.

1. Lucky Number

888 is considered a lucky number in Chinese culture e to its pronunciation. In Mandarin, the number 8 sounds similar to the word "發" (fā), which means wealth or fortune. As a result, many Chinese people associate 888 with good luck and prosperity. It is often seen as an auspicious number and is highly sought after in various contexts.

2. Business and Finance

In the business world, the number 888 is highly regarded. Many Chinese entrepreneurs strive to incorporate this number into their phone numbers, license plates, business addresses, and even proct prices. They believe that having 888 in their business-related elements will attract good fortune, wealth, and success. Additionally, companies often use the number 888 in their branding and marketing strategies to appeal to Chinese consumers.

3. Phone Numbers and Addresses

Chinese people, when given the opportunity, often choose phone numbers or addresses that contain the number 8 or, even better, 888. They believe that having these numbers in their personal or business contacts will bring them luck and positive outcomes. Similarly, people sometimes pay a premium to live in houses or apartments with addresses containing 888.

4. Gambling and Casino Culture

888 is also highly regarded in the realm of gambling. Many gamblers consider it a lucky number and believe that betting on numbers containing 8 or adding up to 8 will bring them good fortune. In Chinese casinos, game tables and slot machines often have numbers with 8 prominently displayed to attract players and enhance the perception of luck.

5. Superstitions and Traditions

Superstitions surrounding the number 888 extend beyond business and finance. Chinese people often incorporate this number into traditional celebrations and rituals, such as weddings, where it symbolizes good luck and a harmonious union. Additionally, some indivials may choose to schele important events, such as weddings or business openings, on dates with multiple 8s for added fortune.


In Chinese culture, the number 888 holds significant meaning and is associated with luck, wealth, and success. Its pronunciation and symbolism have led to its widespread use in various aspects of life, from business and finance to personal phone numbers and addresses. Understanding the significance of 888 provides valuable insights into Chinese culture and its beliefs surrounding luck and fortune.


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