These children are watching a movie at the cinema.
The English translation for "These kids are at the movies."
Expressing "These youngsters are enjoying a film at the theater" in English.
How to say "These little ones are watching a movie in the cinema" in English.
The English equivalent of "These children are at the movie theater watching a film".
通過這些表達方式,我們可以清晰地傳達出孩子們正在電影院觀看電影的場景。無論是使用"children"、"kids"、"youngsters"還是"little ones",我們都可以准確描述孩子們的年齡。同時,「cinema」、「movies」、「theater」和「movie theater」都可以用來表示電影院。通過使用這些表達方式,我們可以在溝通中更加准確和具體地表達出我們想要表達的意思。