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發布時間:2023-12-07 13:21:51



1. How to say "in front of us at the cinema" in English

A common way to express the position of "in front of us at the cinema" in English is to say "in front of us at the movie theater".

For example, if you want to tell someone that your seats are in front of theirs at the cinema, you can say:

"Our seats are in front of yours at the movie theater."

2. Expressing the location of our seats at the movie theater in English

Another way to describe the position of your seats in front of the cinema is to use the phrase "ahead of us at the movie theater".

For instance, you can say:

"Our seats are ahead of yours at the movie theater."

3. Describing the position in front of the cinema in English

You can also use the phrase "in front of the cinema" to indicate the location of your seats.

For example:

"Our seats are in front of the cinema."

4. Translating "in front of us at the movie theater" into English

If you want a more literal translation of the phrase "in front of us at the movie theater", you can say:

"In front of us at the cinema."

5. English phrases for indicating our position ahead of the cinema

There are also other English phrases that can be used to indicate your position ahead of the cinema, such as:

For example, you can say:

"Our seats are ahead of yours at the movie theater."

"Our seats are in front of yours at the cinema."

"Our seats are in front of yours at the movies."

It is important to note that these phrases may vary in different English-speaking regions, so it is always a good idea to check with a native speaker or consult a reliable source for the most accurate and commonly used expression.



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